Dry Needling University: Classes and Teachers

Since its inception, Red Coral has worked closely with industry educators and innovators. Whether acupuncture clinicians, chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists or doctors, we look to our education partners to help us and you develop and grow.

Upcoming Dry Needling Courses Near You

We are continually updating our courses as they become available. Check back often for courses in your area.

Should you like to host a private teaching course for your students or require information on where you can attend a dry needling courses, please send us an email.

Dry Needling Instructors, Innovators and Industry Experts

Partner with Red Coral to Teach Dry Needling

We work closely with educators to grow the Dry Needling community around the world. We provide educators with the tools and support they need to teach Dry Needling.

Get Started in Dry Needling with a Tools of the Trade Kit