Dry Needling Courses Near You

We will continue to update this section with the latest courses for dry needling across Australia and The United States. Should you like to host a private teaching course for your students or require information on where you can attend a dry needling courses, please email us in the contact us section or write to customerservice@redcoral.com.au
If you’re an educator and would like us to feature your courses, please reach out to us directly and we’ll be happy to assist.

We are continually updating our courses as they become available. Check back often for courses in your area.

Get Started in Dry Needling with a Tools of the Trade Kit



IAR offers a uniquely superior dry needling course that is truly unmatched in the market. This course covers in depth the major theoretical models of dry needling including the mechanical trigger point, spinal radiculopathy, and biomedical systemic models.




United Dry Needling Education is currently the only dry needling education and course provider specifically designed for clinicians whose state practice act requires fifty face-to-face continuing education hours before you can even needle a patient.




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